
Internet Access Best of all, the rate you have gives you unlimited access and of course the higher the speed, the better. But note that the data can overstated provider, there could be as lucky, but we can always switch to another service. TIP: Ask if your internal network to subscribers of the network and how it is big. Very much convenient thing - quick downloads, a lot of things: from photos to lessons in design and programs. Connected to the Internet and the first thing you need to install the programs - it antivirusnik. Otherwise torture is ensured. <br><br>Internet Explorer browser comes to the operating system if you do not like to put Google Chrome, I like it more like it because it is not so bulky. With the most urgent finished, went further. Software at least for a novice designer. You can go online and type in a search engine "software for design and will give you a lot useful and not too soft. TIP: Do not overload your computer useless programs, and I was the selectivity. And what's really needed - I'll look in the Start menu, all programs and explain the course. <br><br>Since I'm already working as a designer several years and has developed its own system of needed programs. But there is no limit to perfection. 1. Once we have the Internet, then there should be a e-mail. Create a mailbox can be easy on Yandex, Rambler, Milo, etc. If you crank case is admissible in Mail.ru, very comfortable immediately install Mile agent, its icon appears in the lower right corner of the monitor and alerts about new messages.
Choosing a Hosting Service This article is about choosing a hosting. Now I want to talk about choosing a hosting provider conventional virtual hosting. After all those thousands in RuNet, and choose for yourself is not always easy. This, seemingly unimportant details, should be approached very wisely, because the success of your Internet project to some extent is a good work of your host. Many novice webmasters come too easily to the choice of hosting provider. The same thing happened to me: use a cheap hosting costs about 60 rubles per month, seemingly at first everything was fine, but then from time to time there are some minor accident at the site, but I did not pay attention. One day my site was unavailable - flew off the server with the database. I immediately began to write tech support, but also reach them only through the week immediately demanded their money back. My project was defeated . But the good side of this situation was that in moments of these experiences I came across a wonderful hosting provider, with whom I work today and am very pleased. So, what to look for when choosing hosting provider: The first is, of course, price. Does not always "the more expensive the better." It happens that with low-cost hosting service is much better than some expensive hostinga. technical support. Support really quality hosting can answer your any questions for a couple hours, and the answer should always be tochnym.Nabor services. This ability to have multiple ftp accounts, connecting php, databases and so daleeTrafik. Always look how much traffic is hosting allows you to use your site! Traffic - this is the number of received / sent information server. It is desirable that the traffic was neogranichennym.Bekap. I think he is for all necessarily needed in case the...