The Internet has long matured the idea of creating a unified network-wide directory, where companies and individuals could publish and update their contact information. Store such information on private sites very uncomfortable. Among these sites there is much competition and people are forced to publish their information right away in many places, in order to increase the likelihood that this information will be found. C run blast zone. tel, the situation changes radically. Zone. tel - is a public directory, where everyone has a fast and reliable access. further information is available at MyWebSpace
The domain owner in the area. tel can publish their contact information directly into database directory is not using the services of web hosting providers and software developers. The technology, which is based band. tel greatly simplifies the way to get information, gives the possibility to store data in a universal and easily understood format. Companies and individuals will decide what information to make publicly available, which completely hide, and what information to give a full or partial access. Privacy - is one of the key features of the area. tel.
Domain may contain a wide range of contact information: phone numbers, addresses of offices, addresses, websites and email, icq or Windows Messenger. In this case, the access to this information will be standardized, which will help you find and use information through virtually any device that has Internet access. Imagine that the address book of your mobile phone contains addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of millions of businesses and individuals around the world. Convenient, is not it Or Imagine another situation where you're trying to call his old friend, but you have unfortunately remained just an old phone number that long is not valid. It would be very convenient to store in the phone or in outlook only the id of the person on which you can find any current contact information and have the urgency will be taken care by the owner of the domain in the zone. tel. The "Center of the Internet the names of Ukraine" - the first registrar of domain names Ukraine, where customers can submit a preliminary application for the registration and among the first in the world to get the domain in the zone. tel. From October 28 on the website of the Center of the Internet names of Ukraine "conducted a free reception prior applications from those who register a domain name in the zone. tel. Application, submitted preliminary applications will be processed in real queue on the first day after the start of registration. This service will save you from need to wait and catch the beginning of registration to take the desired domain name. Site domain name registration in the area. tel will take place in three stages: First stage - Priority registration for trademark holders grades, will begin on December 3 and will last two months. Cost of registration in this period amounted to 2300 uah. for 3 years. The second stage - will open to the public from February 3 to March 23 and will be conducted on the principle of 'first come - first registered ', but at an increased price 2,100 usd for three years. Third stage - open registration without restrictions begin March 24, 2009 at a price of 150 uah. for the year.